
James Torr

Available - Contact James Torr


  • Web design
  • CSS / HTML
  • Javascript / jQuery / AJAX
  • Python
  • WordPress
  • Hosting
  • Linux / BSD
  • Mac / OS X


I specialise in frontend development (Svelte, Javascript) and various JS libraries for snazzing up web interfaces (Chart.js, Tabulator), but I have experience with WordPress, backend (Flask, SQLAlchemy) and deployment (Linux, VPS, Docker).

My personal goals:

– To do the best job possible for my clients
– To ensure timely and clear communication with everybody I work with
– Attention to detail and quality above all

If you have a WordPress site, or php, I’d be very interested in looking into adding functionality to that site using Svelte. I can demo some work I’ve done using Flask and WordPress in this area. I am also the creator of, a visual brewing app created with Flask, Pandas, Beautiful Soup, Svelte, JS, Chart.js, Leaflet and Tabulator. I’ve written several other Sveltekit sites, including my personal page, (a database-driven recipe app), and

Contact James Torr

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